Saturday, September 8, 2007

Me? Bored ...

Me? Bored and tired and weeeeeird. Thus I present you with teh fun meme of doodles.1. Comment here and I'll pick one of your LJ interests and draw a picture using the mighty MS Paint.2. You have no say in what I draw for you, or in how much it will suck!3. Put this in your journal along with the pictures people drew for you.Justine drew this for moi:YEY DEATH EATERS! XD

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


asdkdjfkdhgjkfhlgdfmike was supposed to be here about.. 40 minutes agoand he's still not hereand it saddens teh juleh

-snrk- Oh, the sues..

When boredom takes you, it is necessary to skim the neopets boards in order to amuse yourself.She sprinted thru the woods, breathing quickly. Her dark red hair was pulled back from her face but flew wildly behind her, as her pulsing blue eyes surveyed the woods she ran thru. The clothes she wore were of eleven, but she was only half elf. The other half was princess, from her late father, King Charles.ELEVEN. xD