Monday, July 30, 2007

So I come ho...

So I come home Wednesday afternoon and my dad is baking.BAKING.My dad never bakes.He was making a polish rice cake thing... and we tried it last night. And oh my god it was GOOD..... and I wake up this morning and go downstairs.MY DAD IS MAKING FRIGGEN PEROGIES.-squees with happiness and then faints in disbelief-

Saturday, July 28, 2007

1) Mike made ...

1) Mike made me feel really, really special today and I want to run over to his house in the pouring rain so I can pounce on him and hug him and thank him for being the incredible loving person that he is.2) Meg made me this AWESOME shirt.Meg? Is fabulous.3) That "Worst Case Scenario: Dating and Sex" book that Eric gave me is very, very informative.

Wheee s...

Wheee so I'm hating Delaney projects as I'm trying to type up a Juleh-reaction opinion to the paragraph that the awesome Justine (justineith )wrote.. and yeah. So I've decided to procrastinate by fiddling with my email settings (email makes me happy <3) and, just for kicks, writing down all the falsereasons that the Phillipinesget involved in the Spanish-American War, such as...

They wanted to find more coconuts, and they figured they had a better chance of finding them in Mercia.
They needed inspiration for their interpretive dance.
The Dark Lord stole their chocolate chip cookies.
The Ring made them do it.
They were trying to alert the Queen of England to the presence of alien invaders that had a strange affinity for towels.
The six foot tall imaginary bunny rabbit with a freaky mask made them do it.
Blame Canada!
They were trying to one-up the Swiss.
They ran out of cocktail peanuts.
Their mommies told them to.
Teenage angst.
If you squinted at them really hard, they kind of looked like Sayid.
They were pimp like that, yo!
They were BAD-ASS.
They were posessed by the spirits of dead Russian dictators.
They needed to ask for directions.
They thought that if they donated blood (to the war), they would get free cookies and juice.
They wanted shirts that said "I fought in the war and all I got were some missing limbs and this stupid t-shirt."
They thought they could get a decent cellphone plan out of it.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007



Friday, July 13, 2007



Thursday, July 12, 2007

AIM convos? They ...

AIM convos? They rock. Ashley, on the tattoosshe got playing San Andreas:Rottenstardust: its so great... and let me see... i got like a grave on my upper right arm or something... and my gang on my stomach... and like a bullet on one arm...Diffident Ranger: wow.Diffident Ranger: i'm guessing there are no bunny tattoos.Rottenstardust: if there was i would get it...Rottenstardust: but i guess you cant be hard and like ghetto with a bunny tatDiffident Ranger: true.Diffident Ranger: unless the bunny was a ghetto bunny.Rottenstardust: hm... possibly...Diffident Ranger: with, y'know, bling on his two front teeth and stuff.Rottenstardust: hahaRottenstardust: and if he was packing guns foolDiffident Ranger: yesDiffident Ranger: plus he'd need to be able to freestyle in case he ever ran into kangaroo jack. then he could beat that motherfucker up verbally and bust a cap in his ass.Diffident Ranger: -coughcough-
Um. Right. yes.Rottenstardust: hahaRottenstardust: riiight.Rottenstardust: itd be funny to see a bunny pop a cap in anythings assStole this survey from Ashes and Justine:Best of 2004......1. party: Justine's party at Meg's was pretty damn cool.. but I also loved my birthday party. Sitting around in my basement playing Taboo while watching Labyrinth.. mmm.. David Bowie..2. show: Lost!3. cd: Well it wasn't released this year, but I discovered it this year.. Swagger, Flogging Molly4. movie:Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and the Extended Edition of Return of the King. :D5. song: Honestly? I have no idea.6. experience: Actually having a good day at school.7. concert: Eh.8. book: Abhorsen, Garth Nix. I'm still in the process of reading it. ^^;9. month: September. I haven't had many good Septembers in the past, but this one turned out all right.. plus, I love fall.10. day: The 27th of September.Hopes for 2005:1. predict something that you think will happen in 2005?: I'll write at least one chapter for my book.2. what do you hope changes about your country?: Honestly, I hope that all the conflict over politics dies down.. it's ridiculous how heated a lot of arguments between Democrats and Republicans are because people just won't see things any other way than their own. But.. yeah. That's what I hope for.. even though I highly doubt it'll happen.3. what do you hope for yourself?: That I won't have a huge breakdown like I have every other year, and that I'll accomplish something that I can be proud of. :D4. what do you hope for your family?: That my dad finds a job he's really happy with.5. what do you hope for your best friend?: I don't really have one best friend.. but.. well. For someone who I consider one of my best friends, I'd hope that she's doing well and that we'll be able to make Knock You Naked brownies sometime in the near future while watching Lord of the Rings.During 2004:1. where were you when it began?: In my living room, I believe :D2. did you stay up?: I think so. I might have fallen asleep standing up, but yeah...3. what was your new year wish?: Honestly... I can't remember.4. how many boy/girlfriends?: Erm. One?5. broke up?: Nope.6. have any crushes?: During the whole of 2004? Hell yes. xD7. care to mention names?: Not really.8. new friends?: xD Wow. Um. Let's see.. Justine, Rae, Ashley, Eric, Frank, Lauren, Sarah.. and Mike, of course. <39. had to say goodbye? Yes.. a few times.10. missed anyone?:Yeah.. so much.11. win anything?: No. I hardly ever win anything. xD12. best place you went to?: The Met. mmmmm.. swords...13. worst place you went to?: PV. Not a good year.14. happiest moment?: Going to see RotK with Teeny, the rush after the curtain closed for Pippin, spending time with Mike. Yes I know that's three.15. how was your birthday?: Incredible.16. best present?: That silver scarf from Sara.

AIM convos? They ...

AIM convos? They rock. Ashley, on the tattoosshe got playing San Andreas:Rottenstardust: its so great... and let me see... i got like a grave on my upper right arm or something... and my gang on my stomach... and like a bullet on one arm...Diffident Ranger: wow.Diffident Ranger: i'm guessing there are no bunny tattoos.Rottenstardust: if there was i would get it...Rottenstardust: but i guess you cant be hard and like ghetto with a bunny tatDiffident Ranger: true.Diffident Ranger: unless the bunny was a ghetto bunny.Rottenstardust: hm... possibly...Diffident Ranger: with, y'know, bling on his two front teeth and stuff.Rottenstardust: hahaRottenstardust: and if he was packing guns foolDiffident Ranger: yesDiffident Ranger: plus he'd need to be able to freestyle in case he ever ran into kangaroo jack. then he could beat that motherfucker up verbally and bust a cap in his ass.Diffident Ranger: -coughcough-
Um. Right. yes.Rottenstardust: hahaRottenstardust: riiight.Rottenstardust: itd be funny to see a bunny pop a cap in anythings assStole this survey from Ashes and Justine:Best of 2004......1. party: Justine's party at Meg's was pretty damn cool.. but I also loved my birthday party. Sitting around in my basement playing Taboo while watching Labyrinth.. mmm.. David Bowie..2. show: Lost!3. cd: Well it wasn't released this year, but I discovered it this year.. Swagger, Flogging Molly4. movie:Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and the Extended Edition of Return of the King. :D5. song: Honestly? I have no idea.6. experience: Actually having a good day at school.7. concert: Eh.8. book: Abhorsen, Garth Nix. I'm still in the process of reading it. ^^;9. month: September. I haven't had many good Septembers in the past, but this one turned out all right.. plus, I love fall.10. day: The 27th of September.Hopes for 2005:1. predict something that you think will happen in 2005?: I'll write at least one chapter for my book.2. what do you hope changes about your country?: Honestly, I hope that all the conflict over politics dies down.. it's ridiculous how heated a lot of arguments between Democrats and Republicans are because people just won't see things any other way than their own. But.. yeah. That's what I hope for.. even though I highly doubt it'll happen.3. what do you hope for yourself?: That I won't have a huge breakdown like I have every other year, and that I'll accomplish something that I can be proud of. :D4. what do you hope for your family?: That my dad finds a job he's really happy with.5. what do you hope for your best friend?: I don't really have one best friend.. but.. well. For someone who I consider one of my best friends, I'd hope that she's doing well and that we'll be able to make Knock You Naked brownies sometime in the near future while watching Lord of the Rings.During 2004:1. where were you when it began?: In my living room, I believe :D2. did you stay up?: I think so. I might have fallen asleep standing up, but yeah...3. what was your new year wish?: Honestly... I can't remember.4. how many boy/girlfriends?: Erm. One?5. broke up?: Nope.6. have any crushes?: During the whole of 2004? Hell yes. xD7. care to mention names?: Not really.8. new friends?: xD Wow. Um. Let's see.. Justine, Rae, Ashley, Eric, Frank, Lauren, Sarah.. and Mike, of course. <39. had to say goodbye? Yes.. a few times.10. missed anyone?:Yeah.. so much.11. win anything?: No. I hardly ever win anything. xD12. best place you went to?: The Met. mmmmm.. swords...13. worst place you went to?: PV. Not a good year.14. happiest moment?: Going to see RotK with Teeny, the rush after the curtain closed for Pippin, spending time with Mike. Yes I know that's three.15. how was your birthday?: Incredible.16. best present?: That silver scarf from Sara.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

I am curr...

I am currently attempting to staple and tape the household copy of Return of the King together, for after years and years of rereadings, it has finally succumbed and its worn spine has split in two. So far, all attempts to stabilize it have been unsuccessful, and the introducing the treatment of glue only makes the pages sticky and gloppy.The prospect looks black; it seems as if the book may not survive the night.

Friday, July 6, 2007


ASDJSKFDAJSKJDSKAJDLKASJDLJASKLFJDFso last night my throat was bothering me and I felt kind of naseous and stuff. this morning I wake up and I open my mouth and my throat is all 'STFU JULE I HATE YOU'And then I think I passed out and woke up around 1 in the afternoon.ugggh. x___x my throat's all red and swollen and it hurts like hell and my stomach is churning. and that isn't the biggest suckiest part, because I really wanted to come in today (I EVEN STAYED UP UNTIL FOREVER FINISHING DELANEY'S THING. I FINISHED IT. I DIDN'T PUT IT OFF AND WRITE IT ON THE BUS) because Mike was bringing in these posters for me (presents for my brother and Teeny for Christmas) and because I really wanted to go all fangirly and shit with Rae concerning The Most Awesome Business Venture Ever.BUT NO I COULDN'T BECAUSE MY THROAT HATES ME AND LOVES DISGUSTING ANTIBIOTICS-curls up into a ball and goes back to sleep-